We need to raise public awareness of the issue of Human Trafficking across Africa in order to educate and protect vulnerable communities.

Awareness is the key factor in overcoming the issue of human trafficking. Knowledge is power and without it our children are in grave danger.


What you can do:

Speak up against Human Trafficking, pornography and sexual abuse.

Warn your children and empower them-they must trust you and speak out.

Empower your community on how to avoid being trafficked.

Always know where your children are and who their friends are.

Give your child a password that you alone know.

Report brothels and suspicious cases to the South African National Emergency Helpline 0800 222 777.

Be informed and stay informed!

Know the internet dangers and what your child is sharing.


We present workshops, conferences and training at schools, churches, companies and organisations.

To book a workshop please email info@ilmissions.com