Human Trafficking, also known as Modern-day Slavery, is when a person is taken against their will, deceived or coerced, bought or sold, and exploited for the use of their body or for their labour. It is for the purpose of exploitation and takes place with or without transportation.
Types of Trafficking:
Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform commercial sex through the use of force, fraud, or coercion and is common in South Africa.
Forced marriage is a marriage in which one and/or both parties have not personally expressed their full and free consent to the union. A child marriage is considered to be a form of forced marriage, given that one and/or both parties have not expressed full, free and informed consent. This is common in South Africa.
Forced labour is any work or service performed against a person’s will under the threat of punishment. … Child labour refers to work for children under the age of 18 that is mentally, physically, socially and/or morally dangerous or harmful and that interferes with their schooling. This is very common in South Africa and especially, wider Africa.
Child trafficking is about taking children out of their protective environment and preying on their vulnerability for the purpose of exploitation. This is common in South Africa.
The procurement, transport, transfer, harbouring or receipt of living or deceased persons or their organs by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving to, or the receiving by, a third party of payments or benefits to achieve the transfer of control over the potential donor, for the purpose of exploitation by the removal of organs for transplantation.
A child associated with an armed force or armed group refers to any person below 18 years of age who is, or who has been, recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys and girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, spies or for sexual purposes.
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